Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 3: Passage Person

In this section, we are shown a turning point in Mia and Adam's relationship. In addition, Mia makes more discoveries about her injuries, time in the hospital, and power to decide her fate. The first passage that I picked is:

This is the first moment Mia realizes that she has power over how things will turn out. In addition to this, I picked:

This is the first real choice Mia is faced with. What would you do? Would you join your parents, or would you stay for your brother and boyfriend? Would you have as much trouble deciding as Mia?

Another section that stood out to me was the part about Adam's concert on Halloween. The passage reads:

This is the first time Mia has actually enjoyed one of Adam's concert (and probably one of the first times she's actually made as much of an effort to enjoy Adam's interests, as he made to enjoy her interests). Mia even wants to stay longer, and tells Adam:

What do you think sparked this change in Mia? Did it have anything to do with her halloween costume? Or do you think it had to do entirely with her experience?

Lastly, I want to point out a phrase that I have actually quoted a lot:

Are there any times that you have had to "fake it till you make it?" If so (and if comfortable sharing), what?


  1. To be honest I do not know what option I would choose so I completely understand Mia's hesitation. Both options have their positives and negatives. If she moved on she would be with her parents and anyone else she loved that has passed on but she would not be able to interact with her loved ones on Earth. If she stays, she will be with Adam (but who knows if she will still want to be with him in a couple years) and Teddy. If I really had to choose, I would probably stay to watch over my siblings because that is what my parents would want.
    I think the thing that sparked change in Mia was her own consciousness. She decided that she wanted to understand Adam's life better so she let herself go. The costume probably did help but I do not think the "experience" helped in itself because she would have never had the experience unless she opened up a little bit.
    Truth is I cannot really think of a time I had to "fake it till you make it" but I know for sure that there had to be at least one time. I just cannot think of it right now.

  2. To me, the choice is clear. I would stay to start my own family and career and always keep the memory of my parents near to me. I know my parents would rather I stayed and lived out my whole life.
    I think the costume finally allows Mia to let go of everything and just enjoy herself and the music.
    Being in theatre and dance, you have to know how to fake it to get by sometimes. When ever I don't get a dance step, I do the best I can to look like I really do know it till I have a chance to fix it.
