This section starts off with Mia racing to the children's area of the Hospitol to find Teddy (expecting him it to be there).

I chose this passage from pages 160 and 161 because they evoke a lot of emotion. Do you think Teddy is still alive? If so, where do you think he is? Why emotions did you feel when reading this part? Do you agree with Mia that if only one of them could survive it should have been him, why or why not?
Also in this section, there is a lot of talk about death an funerals. Mia talks about her experience at the only funeral she has been to.

Do you think it's weird that they are talking about their own funerals? Have you ever thought about your own? If so, what details have you thought about or want to include in it? Do you agree with Kim's observations?
I'm not sure what is going on with teddy at this point. Foreman sets it up like he has indeed passed on, but I'm not really sure at this point. While reading this section, I got somewhat choked up because, even though we don't get along a lot of the time, I would be absolutely devastated if I lost my brother. I'm on the fence about agreeing with Mia that Teddy should have been the one to survive. I know that Mia has gotten the chance to live more, but at the same time, I'm not sure Teddy would be ready to be without his entire family.
ReplyDeleteI don't think it is weird that they are talking about their own funerals. While I don't really think about my own, it doesn't seem out of the ordinary to think about how one's funeral will be decorated, what music will be played, etc. I don't think I really agree with Kim's observations. I am very artistic, and I don't really imagine my funeral. I have found throughout the book that Kim likes to divide people into 2 strict groups a lot, so I don't really trust or agree with her feelings on the whole grouping thing, or on the whole thinking about one's funeral thing.
I think Teddy is alive still because, with him gone, it would make Mia's choice to obvious in my opinion. I do think if Teddy is in fact gone, it still should be Mia that stays and not him. He is too young to be able to recover from something so tragic. As horrid as it sounds, Mia is older and has a better chance of moving on than he does. I have never thought about my funeral because God forbid it be anytime soon.